It is an honour to endorse Ramalatha. She is a true leader: possesses the highest technical capabilities, open and trustworthy, engaging and accessible, and places the IEEE Computer Society members and volunteers as her highest priority. Ramalatha is one of the most dedicated volunteer leaders I have ever met. She has served in many IEEE and Computer Society positions with distinction. She is an inspiration, has my highest possible recommendation, and will serve the IEEE Computer Society and its membership with distinction.
Susan Kathy Land
President and CEO, IEEE 2021
Ramalatha Marimuthu has strong leadership and strengths that elevate IEEE Computer Society. She is a proactive and strategic volunteer who endeavors to engage a larger audience to achieve equality in CS activities, governance, and chapters. She has an exceptional member engagement history in all her IEEE responsibilities working directly with chapter members and volunteers. She believes in learning about the needs and desires of members and matching the mission and vision of IEEE to fulfill them.
Christina Schober
IEEE Board of Directors
Director, Division VIII
Ramalatha Marimuthu has been known to me as an innovative educator, industrious volunteer and an inspiring leader. I met her as the Chair of Women in Engineering in the year 2011 and I was amazed at her knowledge and the generosity with which she was ready to impart that knowledge to the audience wherever and whomever they are. I have also worked with her in humanitarian activities and I know her as an influential volunteer who can inspire thousands of students and young professionals to use technology with social responsibility. Her IEEE YESIST12 is a great platform for the innovators of the world to think about sustainable development and technology for humanity. Her passion towards diversity and inclusion has led her to organize another unique event called “Returning Mothers Conference” to encourage men and women who take a break in their career to return for a second career. Her unique events have drawn the attention of World Bank who are collaborating with her to spread the event worldwide. She also has been continuously working for the enhancement of awareness on STEM in the rural parts of India nearly reaching out to 25000 rural children till now. I endorse her with my whole heart for the position of VP, IEEE Computer Society and request the support of members worldwide, since I believe in her abilities to contribute wherever she is.
Nirupama Prakash Kumar
IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee member
IEEE Region 6 Humanitarian Activities Coordinator
I would wholeheartedly endorse Dr Ramalatha Marimuthu for the position of Second Vice President of IEEE CS. Beyond a doubt, she is the best candidate and requires all your support and encouragement in making it to the said position. I have known Dr Ramalatha for a long time in two capacities; firstly; as a computer professional, I have appreciated her contributions to the advancement in the field of computer sciences in linking modern mathematics with India's traditional sciences. Also through her efforts in modernising the curriculum of colleges in India; and secondly, due to my association with her in Humanitarian Activities of the IEEE. I most admire Dr Ramalatha for her selfless volunteer work in mentoring students to take on challenging tasks. She has mentored many of today's leaders in IEEE in Women in Engineering, Humanitarian Activities Committee and IEEE Computer Society. IEEE Computer Society has been the largest IEEE Society and is facing a great responsibility in moulding the IEEE policies to accelerate membership growth and spread across the world. Dr Ramalatha being from R10 and India will give a global perspective to the board of directors' decisions. I would again like to endorse Ramalatha's candidacy for the position of VP Computer Society and request everyone's support. My best wishes to Ramalatha.
Amarnath Raja
Executive Chairman
InApp Information Technologies Ltd.
I have known Ramalatha Marimuthu through her activities with the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT). She was active in the SSIT Chapter Activities. First, as a member of the Chapters Committee in 2015-16 and subsequently, the Chair from 2017 through 2019. I found Ramalatha to be active in supporting SSIT Chapters. Let me cite two examples. When SSIT was informed in 2019 that three of our Chapters were about to be dissolved, she actively contacted them and provided support and postponed the dissolution. These three Chapters are still considered to be “active” according to IEEE Guidelines. An innovation that she initiated was the Chapters Webinar Series. This was the initial step in forming a community of individuals involved with Chapters of SSIT. I was honored to be one of the presenters in 2019. Ramalatha was a Voting Member-at-Large of the SSIT Board of Governors for 2017-19. She stood for election in 2016 and was successful. She was involved with all the activities of the Society and participated in the discussions of the business of the Society.
Bob Dent
SSIT President, 2018 - 2019
I am very happy to endorse Dr.Ramalatha Marimuthu who has been an excellent volunteer in IEEE for more than two decades now. She brought the visibility of the IEEE OU she served to the highest possible level through her innovative activities and her empathy towards fellow volunteers. She has mentored and encouraged many of her students, colleagues and friends to volunteer and she is an inspiring leader and mentor. She has created her own space in IEEE by serving the members and non-members together through her innovative events. She was the first one to propose the IEEE Women in Engineering Congress to the R10 leadership and organize it successfully. She introduced many novel programs for the students to understand the impact of technology on the community around them. One of her projects “Sangamam – transfer of technology to the underserved communities” received acknowledgement across the world. I would like to endorse Dr. Ramalatha for the position of Second VP, IEEE Computer Society and request your support for her. I have complete confidence in her ability to contribute to the fullest extent possible and bring in novelty wherever required. My best wishes to Dr.Ramalatha.
Dr.K R Suresh Nair
CEO, Design Alpha
With an honor, most enthusiastically I endorse and support Ramalatha Marimuthu for the IEEE Computer Society’s Second Vice President position. I have known Ramalatha for many years through IEEE activities and leadership functions. I also have had the opportunity to be engaged for the last 5 years in one of her most innovative projects, IEEE YESIST12. She is passionate and enthusiastic about engineering education, IEEE and WIE. Her interdisciplinary research has demonstrated the beauty and power of collaboration and getting out of the box to have a bigger picture, new ideas, new tools and new perspectives. She reaches out in an unparalleled way to all STEM fields, and has become most inspirational and motivating role model in particular for women at all levels of their careers. She is creative, skillful, confident, countable and reliable. She is a global citizen who has helped thousands of women and men around the world through her projects and mentoring. Ramalatha is a remarkable leader who practices mobilizing people to tackle tough challenges and to thrive. I believe that she will do fantastic job in this position. I have no doubts that she will make a significant difference in CS.
Bozenna Pasik Duncan
IEEE Third Millennium Medal, IEEE CSS DM, IEEE Life Fellow, IFAC
Fellow & AWM Fellow
I have been working with Prof. Ramalatha Marimuthu for over a decade since the time we served together on the IEEE Educational Activities Board. She is an outstanding IEEE volunteer leader, and educator, who is passionate about Assistive Technology and is a shining exemplar of IEEE’s mission when it comes to serving our members and society. Prof. Marimuthu has been a relentless champion of Women in Engineering and served as WIE Chair in 2011-12. Under her leadership we organized the first ever IEEE conference on AT in India (IEEE Intelligent Interactive Systems and Assistive Technologies Conference – IISAT 2013) and established an MOU with CSU Northridge to strengthen collaboration between our programs. She has combined her passion for AT with her service in IEEE by effectively engaging members and volunteers in several outstanding humanitarian projects around the world. Innovative programs like YESIST (Youth Endeavours in Social Innovations through Science and Technology) have been especially important in engaging IEEE Young Professionals and students. Prof. Marimuthu is humble, dedicated, and an outstanding role model for IEEE members worldwide. I have the highest respect for her contributions to IEEE, and know that she will provide outstanding leadership as the second VP of the Computer Society BoG given her background and experience.
S. K. Ramesh
2021-22 President-Elect, ABET
2016 IEEE-HKN President
2016-17 IEEE Vice-President Educational Activities
I first met Ramalatha in 2016 while delivering my IEEE Distinguished Lecture Tour of Southern India (Trivandrum, Kochi, Coimbatore and Chennai) and Ramalatha was the IEEE SSIT Chapters Chair at that time. This visit coincided with the IEEE ISTAS2016, the flagship conference of IEEE SSIT (in Trivandrum) where she chaired some major sessions. I was very impressed with her organising ability, influence and the respect she commanded in all the chapters where I spoke. Most importantly, she took great care of me (accommodation and local needs) as I was travelling from Australia. While we spoke about the subject matter of my talk on telemedicine and eHealth, she introduced me to a very motivated health professional who came to attend my talk from Kanyakumari by overnight bus. Because of Ramalatha's introduction, I got to know this health professional and helped organise her visit to some of our facilities in Australia. I saw a number of instances where Ramalatha has spontaneously helped people. This is an extremely important quality that is required in the development of engineering professionals in disadvantaged regions. Besides, Ramalatha has been active in a range of leadership roles in various IEEE societies and Sections, such as IEEE Computer, IEEE SSIT and Women In Engineering, as presented in her bio. Her humanitarian strengths and enthusiasm become obvious in her role of promoting collaboration across IEEE units, as observed in IEEE YESIST12 2021. I think Ramalatha is an asset for any IEEE Society and would contribute substantially in the role of VP-IEEE Computer Society. I wish Ramalatha all success.
Pradeep Ray
-Director, Centre For Entrepreneurship, University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute, China
-Founder, WHO Collaborating Centre on eHealth, UNSW -Australia
I have been a Computer Society member for over 35 years. I’ve also served IEEE members as Region 6 Director, and chaired or served multiple IEEE boards, committees, Operating Units, and conferences. I am endorsing Ramalatha Marimuthu as the next Second Vice President of the Computer Society. I have had the opportunity to work with Ms. Marimuthu many times over the years. While she was Chair of WIE, I was able to work with her as we launched several WIE chapters an developed the inaugural IEEE WIE Leadership Conference. Recently, she has served as an active member of the IEEE Awards Presentation and Publicity Committee. She provided valuable and innovative ideas that helped make the IEEE Vision, Innovation, and Challenges Summit (IEEE VIC Summit) & Honors Ceremony successfully transition into a globally relevant virtual event. In addition to her Computer Society and WIE responsibilities, she is using her organizational skills to reach out to an audience of students and young professionals through the Youth Endeavours for Social Innovation Using Sustainable Technology program. Her span of interests, coupled with her organizational abilities and interpersonal skills in building value bridges between IEEE members and the general public, will serve as an asset to the Computer Society. I believe that Ramalatha will demonstrate an approach to building consensus, promoting collaboration between value partners and conferences, and providing the conduits necessary for facilitating success, will expand the reach of the Computer Society and the impact that IEEE has around the world. I strongly endorse Ramalatha Marimuthu for the position of Second Vice President of the Computer Society.
Michael Andrews
Managing Partner, Andrews & Associates
Senior Life Member, Millennium Medal Awardee, IEEE Chair,
IEEE Vision, Innovation and Challenges Summit (VICS)
I have known and worked with Ramalatha Marimuthu during our term in MGA Student Activities Committee in 2014-15 and subsequently in various other IEEE activities and most recently in the 2021 IEEE Awards Board P&P committee. I have seen Ramalatha to be fully committed, vision driven and a results-oriented person. She is a great supporter of the Young Professionals program and encourages and supports younger engineers and volunteers to take up various leadership roles within IEEE. She is also an advocate for diversity and inclusion activities for IEEE Computer Society. Her work towards D&I goals and activities helped increase member communication and collaboration which in turn increased membership value. I strongly support and endorse Ramalatha's nomination for IEEE Computer Society Second VP.
Ramesh Nair
Engineering Manager, Intel
I have known Ramalatha for over 10 years as a volunteer within the IEEE. We served together as members of the Computer Society Board of Governors, on various IEEE Committees, and in IEEE Women in Engineering. Ramalatha is a visionary, inspirational leader that I have had the privilege of working with at IEEE. She has a remarkable passion and enthusiasm as well as proven strong leadership and organizational skill. I am always impressed by her dedication, kindness and excellent professionalism. I appreciate her for giving me the wonderful experience of working with her. I had the honor of knowing Ramalatha and learning a lot from her. I believe she would be an excellent Vise President of the IEEE Computer Society.
Takako Hashimoto
Vice President, Director of International Center, Chiba University of Commerce
Before I took over Ramalatha’s role as the Chapters Committee Chair of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) in 2020, she offered me to be her Co-Chair in 2019. Her leadership style helped me with a smooth transition into the SSIT Board of Governors.
Dr. Kalyan Sen, IEEE Fellow
CTO, Sen Engineering Solutions, Inc
During my collaborations with Ramalatha over several years I have been significantly impressed by her commitment to the social aspects of technology, embodying our tag line of Advancing Technology for Humanity. I strongly support her for this role
Dr Greg Adamson
School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne
I am pleased to endorse Ramalatha Marimuthu for a position as VP of the IEEE Computer Society (CS). I first met Ramalatha through her impressive efforts with the IEEE Women and Engineering Committee, and talked with her about the possibility of joining the CS Board of Governors. She took on that challenge and was elected to the 2019-2021 Boards! I have seen her efforts in action – she immediately became an active, contributing member on the CS Board. As you can see from her other activities listed on her website, she dedicates herself to service and provides full commitment to whatever she undertakes. She is a woman of action!
Jill Gostin
IEEE Region 3 Director 2020-2021;
IEEE CS BoG member 2014-2019
I have known Ramalatha Marimuthu for more than 13 years through various IEEE activities. She has had many leadership positions in TA, MGA, EA, and HKN, but I think the most significant accomplishment was IEEE WIE Chair during 2011-2012. She was the first IEEE WIE Chair from Region 10. She received many awards and is a role model for the younger generation people. I wish her the best of luck in her endeavors.
Akinori Nishihara
IEEE Region 10 Past Director 2021-22